Whats New - DesignBase 7.0 Release Notes
EasyPower LLC is excited to announce the release of DesignBase 7.0, with new features to update the software to the IEEE 1584-2018 arc flash calculations standard as well as other safety and workflow enhancement improvements. This release includes features such as a new arc flash tab in the device data editor, an equipment class type for enclosure sizing, user defined enclosure sizes and the ability to choose which general approach you want use to run arc flash analysis.
Watch this video showing some of the updated features in the DesignBase 7.0 release.
Functionality Summary, DesignBase 7 and Arc Flash IEEE 1584-2018
IEEE published the 1584 Arc Flash calculation standard in 2002 and it was the first standard to provide a
method to calculate arcing short circuit current, incident energy, and arc flash boundary. It took the IEEE
1584 Arc Flash committee sixteen years to publish a second revision of 1584 standard to address all concerns
raised by the global IEEE community.
Now the question is, what changed in IEEE 1584 2018? It would be easier to answer what did not change.
New equations, new methods, new approaches, many new steps, and much more robust and complex
equations based on more than 2000 tests conducted in five different configurations are now part of the 2018
As we continue our efforts to enrich the features beyond what is included in the IEEE 1584 2018 Arc flash
calculation standard, here are a few of the most important features:
- Addition of a new Arc Flash tab in the device data editor.
- Addition of an Equipment Class type for enclosure sizing using typical data entry.
- Addition of a user-defined enclosure size correction factor.
New Arc Flash Tab
This is a new Arc Flash tab added into the bus, generator, motor, and related devices’ editor on
DesignBase 7. If a user wants to include each device in an arc flash study, the Run Arc Flash checkbox
must be selected.
The risk assessment standards, defined to guide the user through two general approaches to run arc flash
analysis in DesignBase 7, are as follows:
- IEEE 1584-2018: This option is the latest standard published by the IEEE Arc Flash committee and proposed a new formula set and algorithm to calculate arc flash boundary and incident energy.
- Other Standards: This option covers the earlier IEEE 1584 standards as well as NFPA 70E (2018, 2015, 2012) and CSA Z462 (2015,2012).
Figure 1: Bus Editor Arc Flash Tab
Due to significant changes with the new 2018 Arc Flash method proposed by IEEE, DesignBase now has
the option to select the Risk Assessment Standard.
Figure 2: Risk Assessment Standards
One of the important changes in the new IEEE method is considering the electrode arrangement in a Metal
Box versus Open Air. DesignBase includes a visual representation of all the different electrode configurations
introduced by new IEEE standard as follows:
- VCB: Vertical Electrodes inside a Metal Box
- VCBB: Vertical Electrodes terminated in an Insulating Barrier inside a Metal Box
- HCB: Horizontal Electrodes inside a Metal Box
- VOA: Vertical Electrodes in Open Air
- HOA: Horizontal Electrodes in Open Air
Figure 3: Equipment Class
To determine the typical gap and enclosure size, IEEE 1584-2018 introduced new categories (Table-8)
which is shown next to the Electrode type in DesignBase 7 as shown in Figure 3. The enclosure size correction
factor (CF) can be defined by the user or will be computed directly from the enclosure geometry as
outlined by the IEEE 1584-2018 standard.
The DesignBase Arc Flash Program study editor includes the IEEE 1584 2018 Arc Flash calculation
method while keeping all previous standards in similar visual representation for current DesignBase customers.
This also provides the ability to compare the feature for current customers to validate or compare
the IEEE 2018 Arc Flash standard. With this approach and the resulting data, you can quickly recognize arc
flash boundary and incident energy changes to mitigate personal hazard risks.
The DesignBase Arc Flash module recognizes arc flash data entry based on latest IEEE 1584 or previous
revision. This smart feature enables DesignBase users to analyze selected bus in a specific zone based on
IEEE 1584-2018 which is especially useful in the event you have limited information regarding the whole
The selected Devices box allows the DesignBase user to group selected buses to locally run an arc flash
study or all buses in the current project page.
Figure 4: DesignBase Arc Flash Study Editor
The Results box enables DesignBase users to view arc flash analysis results in both a tabular and detailed
mode representation.
The tabular view allows DesignBase users to manually change the following arc flash input data by enabling
the correct checkbox, as shown in Figure 4:
- Enables users to customize the Bus Electrode Gap and Working Distance.
- Enables users to customize the fault clearing time beyond PDC study results to manually change the arc flash boundary and incident energy.
Figure 5: DesignBase Arc Flash Tabular Result View
Controlling Path
This feature provides the DesignBase user the ability to “refresh” the arc flash calculation results based on
an energized source that is feeding the selected bus.
Output Report
The output report presents the arc flash analysis result and exports it in an Excel format, based on the
user’s preference.
Figure 6: Output Report Type
The Plot visually presents the incident energy mitigation versus distance from arc blast and allowable working
Figure 7: Plot Results
Graphic Labels
The Graphic Label button generates the equipment arc flash warning labels. The user can choose their colors
and decide for which buses the labels should be printed.
Figure 8: Arc Flash Graphic Label Color Option
By clicking on the Display Labels icon on the arc flash toolbar, the label will be shown in the main
DesignBase window. Seven label formats, as shown in Figure 8, along with a custom label format are available
for the DesignBase user to print different style of arc flash warnings. Labels can be generated in English
and French languages.
Figure 9: Label Print Style Options
Figure 10: Arc Flash Warning Label
Work Permit
The Work Permit button generates the variety of work permit reports. The work permit appears as a Word
document, which the user can edit, print, and save. A partial sample of the work permit is shown below.
Figure 11: Choice of the Task List for a Work Permit
Figure 12: A Partial Sample of the Work Permit
Worst Case
The Worst Case feature enables the DesignBase user to find the worst-case arc flash condition between
all different configurations in each project. This feature provides a higher level of assurance for a plant operation
manager to recognize the worst electrical configuration and appropriate personal protection equipment
Figure 13: DesignBase Worst Case Scenario Result
Ralph Lee Method
The Ralph Lee method is now implemented in the following conditions:
- When the bolted fault currents fall outside of the range of the IEEE 1584-2018 model.
- When voltage falls outside of the range of the IEEE 1584-2018 model.
Text Editor
The Electrode Type and Equipment Class fields have been added to the text editor.
Figure 14: Electrode Type and Equipment Class in the Text Editor
DC Arc Flash
In DC Arc Flash, a new option for 2018/2021 is available to select for the standard.
Figure 15: 2018/2021 Standard Option in DC Arc Flash
For more detailed information on the arc flash changes related to the new standard, refer to "3.0 IEEE Std
1584-2018, 3-Phase AC Arc Flash Tutorial" in the DesignBase Help.
7.0 Bug Fixes
The following issues have been addressed in this release:
Arc Flash
- Incident Energy versus Distance Plot Adjustments (IEEE 1584 - 2018)
- The Arc Flash Boundary appears as 'N/A' on the Labels and One-lines
- Graphic Label 'Format 1' Adjustments
- Graphic Label's Incident Energy value not Properly Converted for the 'Worst Case' Scenario
- Refreshing problems within 'Detailed Results Window'
- DesignBase7 Arc Flash Label Adjustments
- Update the 'Select Colors for Labels' dialog box per the IEEE 1584 - 2018 requirements
- Hide the Prohibited Approach Boundary in Arc Flash Labels for the IEEE 1584 - 2018
- Unit of Length consistency issues within both 'IEEE 1584 - 2018' and 'All Others'
- The Back Annotation Results don't show the Worst Case Scenario data
- Arc Flash Results are not correctly refreshed Because of Length Unit change
- DC Arc Flash Discrepancies
- 'Selected Device' from the Main Program isn't selected in Results Window
- Bus Selection doesn't work in the Tabular Results Window for the IEEE 1584 - 2018
- Back Annotation Results are not Displayed for 'All Others' Standard Methods
- The 'Arc Flash Boundary' values are always displayed in 'Inches' but with the wrong unit of length 'cm' used instead of 'in' for IEEE 1584 - 2018
- Graphic Labels do not display the updated results based on the applied 'Global Maximum Trip Time' checkbox for IEEE 1584 - 2018
- 'Work Permit' should be updated per the NFPA 70E (2021)
- Plot', 'Graphic Labels' and 'Work Permit' buttons are not available under Detailed Results Window for IEEE 1584 - 2018
- Global Maximum Trip Time' cannot be permanently set under Tabular Results Window for IEEE 1584 - 2018
- 'Custom Output Report' is not available under Detailed Results Window for IEEE 1584 - 2018
- 'Custom Output Report' is not available under Tabular Results Window for IEEE 1584 - 2018
- DC Arc Flash selection problems in the DC Bus editor
- Losing Arc Flash data after applying 'Maximum Tripping Time'
- Arc Flash 'All Others' Standard Problems
- Arc Flash Settings aren't retained with Copy/Paste
- The Arc Flash Standard selection radio-button remains stuck
Short Circuit
- Short Circuit Professional Report (Crystal Report) doesn't respond
- Ik LL and LL-G steady state
- Error pops up when run SC in PDC if there is a 1P network
Protective Device Coordination
- Digitizer doesn't respond
- SqD MTZ Circuit Breaker Settings problems
- 'Sc1pCalc' Errors pop up when run Inject Fault in PDC if there is a 1P network
Database and Equipment
- The bottom of the Utility editor wrongly advises about SC kVA Min entries
- 'SABT' sample file does not work
Motor Starting
- Induction Motor Dynamic Data problem