Dynamic Stability Features
- Generator Models
- Round rotor full sub-transient flux detail synchronous generator model with saturation
- Salient pole full sub-transient flux detail synchronous generator model with saturation
- Excitation System Models
- Simple, single time constant excitation system
- IEEE Type AC1A, AC6A, AC8B brushless excitation system
- IEEE Type 1 and IEEE Type 2 excitation system
- Fast, medium and slow response tunings in library
- Governor System Models
- Steam turbine, gas turbine, and Woodward diesel systems
- Fast, medium and slow response tunings in library
- Motor Models
- Induction double-cage, full sub-transient, flux detail model with saturation
- Synchronous salient-pole, full sub-transient flux detail model with saturation
- Induction flux motor model includes option for additional stator flux dynamics
- Includes modeling of starting and running loads, and auto-transfer of load
- Synchronous motor includes field application at defined speed
- Motor Load Models
- Torque as a function of speed squared or cubed
- Torque vs. speed as a digitized load model function
- Detailed Model Library
- Use our supplied data “as is” to do quick checks for a typical system
- Add your own model data for your system, and future analysis
- Organize data in user-specified categories for quick locate and import
- Data sets: over 70 complete model examples
- Network Model
- Uses EasyPower’s network model already defined in your database
- Performs a constant impedance network analysis
- Auto-transformer tap operation suppressed
- Utilities modeled as short circuit impedance sources (infinite inertia)
- All static loads modeled as constant impedance
- Resolves network to update conditions for changes in induction motor vars, based on requirements of machine equations at initialization
- While in Dynamic Stability focus, system can be changed via breaker operations (right mouse click on breaker) and power flow initial conditions resolved before a simulation
- Start any single motor, including automatic changes from starting to running load
- Start entire group of motors via breaker operation
- Integrated with Scenario Manager™ for quick simulation of various alternatives
- Modify automatic double-click controls (simulation length, time of action, etc.) to fit your simulation needs
- Suppress message log as desired with three categories: initialization, runtime, and protective device action messages
- Modify simulation time step to suit simulation needs
- Enable/disable all automatic contactor, protective device, and ATS (automatic transfer switch) actions
- Specify plot length by number of points
- Automatically copies results to Windows® clipboard for use in any spreadsheet
Fast Double-Click Functionality
- Open/close/simulate any switching devices
- Bus fault/simulate any bus
- Transfer/simulate any ATS
- Step/simulate any generator for open circuit step test
- Step/simulate any generator for governor load step test
Protective Device Functionality
- Includes protective device actions for all devices already defined in database
- Adds automatic contactor dropout functionality
- Adds ATS auto-switching functionality
- Protective device actions can be easily included or excluded from a simulation with a single option setting
Scripting Engine
- Define a script to perform any type of simulation action in time
- Allows open/close of any breaker and transfer of any ATS
- Includes fault application impedance and duration
- Includes “Run To” and “Run For” time features
- Start, trip, and re-close any motor or group of motors
- Create complete motor-sequencing simulation
- Perform reduced voltage starts via network changes
One-line Integration
- Display of one-line at initial condition upon entry to Dynamic Stability focus
- Display of system conditions at end of simulation
- Display of system conditions at any point, using simulation step feature
- Graphical symbol morphing to indicated inclusion of stability data
- Includes up to 10 plots, 5 traces per plot, of model and network items
- Monitor motor: terminal voltage, current, watts, and vars; electrical and load torque; speed; and power angle
- Monitor synchronous machine: terminal voltage current, watts, and vars; speed; electrical torque; mechanical power; field voltage; angle; power angle; D-Axis current; Q-Axis current; D-Axis sub-transient flux; Q-Axis sub-transient flux
- Monitor bus: voltage, angle, frequency, and fault current
- Monitor network branch and shunt device: kW, kVar, amps, voltage
- Plot definitions use quick and intuitive equipment selection right off the one-line
Detailed Message Log
- Detailed message log tracks all system behavior at initialization and runtime
- Initialization messages help you quickly debug an ill-defined system model or data
- Run-time messages show all script actions and automatic switching actions
- Run-time messages show protective device pickup, reset, trip and lockout actions
Model Data Sheets
- Model data sheets can be quickly printed
- Print a single model, or an entire group of equipment items with quick one-line select
- Exciter and governor data sheets include graphic of model block diagram
Built-In Automatic Control
- Automatic detection of numerical instability, allowing quick system reset
- Automatic internal model sub-integration to minimize numerical instability issues at typical simulation time steps
- Improved modified Euler integration technique
- Simulation of stator flux transients (dψ/dt terms) using differential instead of integral technique, eliminating numerical instability issues in the motor’s fast time constant stator equations at normal time steps (half to quarter cycle)
- Detailed data checking of parameters when entering in the database
- Automatic detection of invalid or insolvable system power flow when entering Dynamic Stability focus
Control Interface
- Easy-to-use dynamics focus toolbar with fewer buttons but more capabilities
- Select scripts to run simulations directly from a drop-down list in the toolbar
- Pause any simulation for termination
- Restart any paused simulation
- Reset to initial conditions at any time during simulation
- Enable/disable results on the one-line view just like in power flow focus
Induction Motor Parameter Derivation
- Induction motor parameter derivation tool that lets you determine detailed flux model parameters using your running and starting conditions, and your machine torque speed curve
- Automatic minimization technique used to locate best parameters to match your data
- Gravity points help to pull the derivation towards your desired curve
- Integrated digitizer with spline curves allows overlay of a quick drawing of torque speed curve over a scanned image of actual data
- With one mouse click, import the derived data directly into your database
- Easily copy your derived data into the user library
EasyPower Dynamic Stability requires PowerFlow™ and Transient Motor Starting to operate, and Protection & Coordination™ for all protective device simulations.
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